Translations still under review

ICOFORT, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Fortifications and Military Heritage was established by ICOMOS in 2005 to include:
Promote awareness of the structures, landscapes and monuments, including its historical, architectural, artistic and scientific, and to promote the conservation and maintenance of military fortifications, structures, landscapes strength and other objects and places related to military heritage .
Be available to help achieve ICOMOS his role as advisor to the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Conduct specialized studies and encourage the application of professional experience in relation to the problems of conservation of historic fortifications and military heritage.
Active pursuit of international cooperation for the identification, protection and preservation of historic fortifications, military structures, landscapes and military sites, other military heritage monuments.
Perhaps the most impressive part is helping ICOMOS as an advisor on Fortifications and Military Heritage World Heritage Committee.
In this capacity, from continuing ICOFORT ICOMOS is helping in the evaluation of the proposals made each year to the World Heritage List. Are conducted by experts ICOFORT members through two different missions, Technical Assessment Missions mission review and desk. Both are at the core of the evaluation of World Heritage nominations. Both missions are focused on three main aspects analyzed in consideration of World Heritage nominations: authenticity, integrity, and protection and management.
But the most important role undertaken by the committee is its contribution is to assist in the evaluation of the fortifications universal value in terms of three criteria requirements for declaration of value that are universal, authenticity, integrity and management of the nominated property.